Ship­ping and Delivery

Free ship­ping for all orders star­ting from 89 € for Ita­ly or 150 € for EU (loca­tions below).

For smal­ler orders, shi­p­men­ts costs 8/9€ for Italy.

The fol­lo­wing EU coun­tries shi­p­ment cost € 15:

Swi­tzer­land, Austria, Ger­ma­ny, Bel­gium, Luxem­bourg, Fran­ce, Hol­land, Spain, Por­tu­gal, Denmark.

The fol­lo­wing EU coun­tries shi­p­ment cost € 20:

Fin­land, Swe­den, Roma­nia, Slo­va­kia, Hun­ga­ry, Slo­ve­nia, Czech Repu­blic, Poland, Lithua­nia, Esto­nia, Latvia.

The fol­lo­wing EU coun­tries shi­p­ment cost € 30:


Shi­p­men­ts take pla­ce the next wor­king day and are deli­ve­red within 48 / 72h from the time of the order.