is fashion that lasts over time, refi­ned ele­gan­ce to wear eve­ry day. Our col­lec­tions are desi­gned to be worn on dif­fe­rent occa­sions, from the most ele­gant to the most infor­mal. Each gar­ment has its own sty­le and per­so­na­li­ty. Tra­vel is our inspi­ra­tion, from the search for mate­rials, colors, to the choi­ce of our sup­pliers. In eve­ry detail SANUK expres­ses inter­na­tio­na­li­ty, taste and authenticity.


At the age of 21, I desi­gned bijoux for a per­so­nal pro­duc­tion in Flo­ren­ce. The fir­st trip to the East opens me up to the world of fabrics, sto­nes and craf­tsman­ship. This expe­rien­ce leads me to import mate­rials and to mix my pro­duc­tions with the things I buy or have pro­du­ced. So my real work begins. Ambra is born and I stop for a whi­le, then I lea­ve with her for Cam­bo­dia whe­re I meet the silk wea­vers, then in Bali the batik so I begin to pro­du­ce clo­thes and acces­so­ries that for fif­teen years I sell only to shops and who­le­sa­lers wor­king hard and tra­ve­ling a lot. In 2009 I open my shop in San Gimi­gna­no, SANUK, and for two or three years I car­ry on both jobs, then my needs chan­ge and I focus on my busi­ness, car­ving out more free time, star­ting a pro­duc­tion of com­ple­te­ly made in Ita­ly fai­th­ful clo­thing. to the beau­ti­ful fabrics and care­ful manu­fac­tu­ring. My tra­vels con­ti­nue and give my custo­mers that some­thing spe­cial, that abso­lu­te­ly uni­que taste typi­cal of tra­vel that I add to the col­lec­tions of the com­pa­nies pre­sent in our store.


Tra­vel has been a con­stant in my life, fir­st with my mother and then alo­ne. I stu­died lan­gua­ges ​​to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tra­vel and immer­se myself in the cul­tu­res and customs of other peo­ples. I am a lover of per­for­ming art in all its forms and for this rea­son I stu­died and teach dan­ce and thea­ter. To the­se pas­sions I added that for clo­thing and jewels, han­ded down to me from my mother, and toge­ther we have mer­ged tastes and visions to select and crea­te clo­thing lines out of the com­mon stan­dards, mixing colors and invoi­ces from all over the world, loo­king for a taste which is a com­bi­na­tion of made in Ita­ly and eth­nic chic influen­ces. Our shop reflec­ts our ele­gant and authen­tic characters.